Columbia--Kootenay—Southern Rockies Conservatives

A record of fighting for you

Rob Morrison is the Member of Parliament for Kootenay — Columbia and has led a full life of service. His father served in the Royal Canadian Air Force, which gave him wide-ranging exposure to the Canadian landscape and catapulted him into a 35-year career serving his country as a public servant. Throughout his career, he served in […]

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Rob Morrison will fight for families in Kootenay—Columbia


Des centaines de Canadiens se retrouvent au chômage après l’échec de Trudeau à conclure un accord sur le bois d’œuvre

Des centaines de Canadiens se retrouvent au chômage après l’échec de Trudeau à conclure un accord sur le bois d’œuvre

Ottawa (Ontario) – Bob Zimmer, ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable des Affaires du Nord et de la Souveraineté de l’Arctique, de l’Agence canadienne de développement économique du Nord et député de Prince George-Peace River-Northern Rockies, a fait la déclaration suivante :

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Hundreds of Canadians Unemployed After Trudeau Fails To Reach Agreement On Softwood Lumber

Hundreds of Canadians Unemployed After Trudeau Fails To Reach Agreement On Softwood Lumber

Ottawa, ON – Bob Zimmer, Conservative Shadow Minister for Northern Affairs and Artic Sovereignty; Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, and Member of Parliament for Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies, released the following statement:

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